Cisco Catalyst Switch
1: Konfigurasi awal Cisco Catalyst Switch
Menghapus konfigurasi router/switch:
> enable
# erase startup-config
# reload
Setelah switch selesai booting:
Would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog? [yes/no]: n à masuk ke Command Line Interface (CLI)
> è (user mode)
> enable
# è (privileged/enabled
# ? è
help mode
# s?
# show ?
# show version
# sh ver
# sh<tab> ver<tab>
# sh flash
# show running-config ATAU #sh run
# show startup-config ATAU #
sh start
# configure terminal ATAU #conf
(config)# è
(global config)
(config)# clock timezone WIB 7
(config)# end
# clock set 13:27:00 7 mar 2010
# show clock
# conf t
(config)# hostname Switch-A ATAU (config)#
hostname Switch-B
(config)# enable secret cisco è utk set
password utk masuk privileged mode
(config)# banner login "
[isi pesan utk yg akan login: warning] " à akan muncul pada saat ada yg login via telnet /
(config)# banner motd "
[isi pesan] " à
akan muncul pada saat ada yg login (console)
(config)# interface vlan 1 ATAU (config)# int vlan 1
(config-if)# è (interface
(config-if)# description ***
logical interface vlan 1 ***
(config-if)# ip address ATAU (config-if)# ip address
(config-if)# no shutdown è utk mengaktifkan interface
(config-if)# exit
(config)# ip default-gateway è
agar bisa berkomunikasi dengan jaringan lain
(config-if)# line vty 0 4
(config-line)# è
(line config)
(config-line)# password ccna è utk set password telnet
(config-line)# login è agar nge-cek password
(config-line)# exec-timeout 5 0 è 5 menit 0 detik
(config-line)# logging synchronous è
agar prompt muncul lagi ketika ada logging
(config-line)# line console 0
(config-line)# no login è
tidak ngecek password
(config-line)# exec-timeout 0 0 èunlimited
(config-line)# logging synchronous
(config-line)# end
# copy (source) (destination)
# copy running-config startup-config
ATAU # copy run start
# write memory ATAU # wr
# sh start
# sh run
# sh mac-address-table
# sh session è
melihat session telnet/ssh dari switch kita ke perangkat lain
# sh user è
melihat siapa saja yg sedang login ke switch kita
# send * è
kirim pesan ke semua user
[isi pesan]
# send 2 è
kirim ke salah satu user
# clear line 2
2: Konfigurasi SSH
(config)# hostname Switch-A ATAU (config)#
hostname Switch-B
(config)# ip domain-name cyrotrain.net
(config)# username netadmin privilege 15 secret netadmin
(config)# crypto key generate rsa
(config)# ip ssh version 2
(config)# line vty 0 4 è
membuka 5 line telnet
(config-line)# login local è
menggunakan username-password yg ada di switch
(config-line)# transport input ssh telnet
(config-line)# end
3: Konfigurasi Port-Security
# sh mac-address-table
# conf t
(config)# int f0/2
(config-if)# desc ***connected
to PC-A***
(config-if)# switchport mode access
(config-if)# switchport port-security
(config-if)# switchport port-security maximum 1
(config-if)# switchport port-security mac-address sticky
(config-if)# switchport port-security violation shutdown
# sh mac-address-table
# sh port-security
Utk menormalkan interface yg di-shutdown oleh port-security:
- Copot MAC illegal, dan kembalikan MAC yg terdaftar
- (config)# int f0/2
(config-if)# no
Utk menghapus konfigurasi Port-Security:
(config)# int f0/2
(config-if)# no switchport port-security maximum
(config-if)# no switchport port-security
4: Matikan interface yg tidak terpakai
(config)# int f0/1
(config-if)# shutdown
(config-if)# int range f0/3 - 11
(config-if-range)# shutdown
(config-if-range)# end
5: Verifikasi protokol CDP (cisco discovery protocol)
# sh cdp neighbor
# sh cdp neighbor detail
# sh cdp traffic
# sh cdp interface
(config)# no cdp run è
mematikan cdp di seluruh interface
(config)# cdp run è
mengaktifkan cdp di seluruh interface
(config)# int f0/5
(config-if)# no cdp enable è
mematikan cdp di interface tertentu saja
(config-if)# cdp enable è
mengaktifkan interface di interface tertentu saja
6: Menggunakan TFTP server untuk Backup & Restore
Backup config from Switch to TFTP server (PC-A
# copy run tftp://
Restore config from TFTP server to Switch:
# copy tftp:// run
Backup IOS from Switch to TFTP server:
# sh flash
# copy flash: c2950-i6k2l2q4-mz.121-22.EA8a.bin tftp://
Restore IOS from TFTP server to Switch:
# copy tftp://…bin flash
7: Password Recovery di Cisco Catalyst Switch 2950/2960
1. Matikan switch
2. Tekan tombol MODE & nyalakan switch
3. setelah beberapa detik, lepas tombol MODE
: flash_init
: load_helper
: rename flash:config.text
: boot
4. tunggu proses reload pada switch
would you like to make
initial configuration? n
5. > ena
# copy flash:config.old run
# conf t
(config)# ena secret [new
(config)# line vty 0 4
(config-line)# password [new
(config-line)# line console 0
(config-line)# no login
(config-line)# end
# copy run star
# reload
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